Jinette Chaunollet

Former mercenary, current nuisance


Pronunciation: jeen-EHT SHAW-no-leh
Nicknames: Jinnie
Race & Clan: Ishgardian Wildwood Elezen
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Class: Lancer, with some archer and pugilist training mixed in
Nameday: 9th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon
Orientation: Pansexual
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Ishgardian N/A
Citizenship: None
Family: None
Residence: N/A
Occupation: Adventurer, former mercenary
Patron Deity: Halone
Height: 6'7"
Jinette is, quite frankly, a gremlin. Pretty, likeable, with an almost coquettish, noble way of carrying herself -- but definitely a gremlin. She has a wicked sense of humor and is always quick with a light-hearted (or not-so-light-hearted, if you annoy her) jab. You would be forgiven if you soon forgot her former occupation as a mercenary, where her main weapons (besides her ability with a lance) were her quick wit and charming personality.



To hear her tell it, Jinette sprang fully formed from the wilds of Coerthas, with no history or family to speak of. If you get her comfortable enough (or drunk enough), she'll joke about how she's obviously a runaway Ishgardian noble... which isn't as far from the truth as she'd like it to be.Jinette was born Orealine de Savardeaux, of House Savardeaux, a now-extinct minor house which had been aligned with House Durendaire in Ishgard. As the youngest of three children, she was expected to take up the lance to defend her homeland and had trained diligently in her youth in preparation to do so. Before that could happen, however, her eldest sibling, Desdemont, was accused of heresy. The entire family was arrested, and after a sham trial, they were stripped of their noble rank and had been sent to meet their bitter end at Witchdrop. However, her father arranged for the few soldiers still loyal to the family to create a distraction the night before the sentence was to be carried out. In the commotion, these troops smuggled Jinette (then 17 and still waiting on her growth spurt) out of Coerthas.Once out of harm's way, she took the name Jinette Chaunollet, a combination of her nanny's first name and her mother's maiden name. For a while, she kept moving as authorities from Ishgard threatened to close in on her... Then Dalamud cracked open, and a fugitive noble didn't seem so important to them anymore.Finally, she was free... and broke. Very broke. Broke to the point where she was caught pickpocketing who turned out to be the leader of an influential mercenary group in Ul'dah. Fortunately, Painted Elm was more amused than anything. He admired her audacity and offered to bring her in. Her ability with the lance and her knack for subterfuge (using her natural wit, intelligence, and charm) made her a valuable part of the team.Sadly, Painted Elm's death meant the end of the group. As the rest of the group scattered to the four winds, Jinette was truly on her own for the first time in years. Older and slightly wiser, she decided to take up adventuring.


  • Adventurer for hire: If you've got the gil, you've got the girl.

  • Former mercenary: As part of Painted Elm's team, Jinette came in contact with myriad people -- former teammates, other mercenaries, the people who paid for work to be done and those who suffered for it.

  • Ishgard sends its regards: Orealine de Savardeaux was declared dead with the rest of her family, but the lack of a body has led to some strange rumors among Ishgardians. Ishgardian authorities still secretly pursue leads as to the noblewoman's whereabouts.

OOC Info

Hi, I'm Kat, and I am a Fandom Old nerd who's been RP-ing in some fashion for almost two decades. I'm still pretty new to FFXIV RP, though, so bear with me.AVAILABILITY
Home World/Data Center: Crystal/Mateus
Time zone: Central USA (GMT-6)Active hours: Usually between 1-4am local time, unless it's my day offWhere I RP: I'm good with either in-game RP or RP over Discord. Please message me before initiating either, though!OOC/RP GUIDELINES
I'm only comfortable with RP-ing with people who are 18+. Sorry, kids.
Please, no metagaming or godmodding. Any info on here is OOC unless you want to use one of the RP Hooks.Lore-bending is perfectly okay by me, but lore-breaking? Nah.I'm still dipping a toe into RP-ing on here, so I'm not sure what I'm completely comfortable with yet. But I DO know that I won't RP any sort of extreme gore/torture or ANY sort of sexual violence (rape/non-con, dubcon, underaged).If the RP does go into a romantic direction, please note that this is all IN-CHARACTER, and that I am not interested in any sort of OOC romantic relationship.To further the above point, IC does not equal OOC! Jinette might do or say things I might not necessarily agree with. RP is role-playing, not real life.